
02. Non-Market Strategy Development
Most corporates proactively manage their stakeholders like customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, etc. However, their approach concerning other key stakeholders, viz. government, civil society organisations and local community remains transactional and thereby, weak. OSS has expertise and experience in developing effective strategies for these non-market stakeholders.
While a business is all about managing and coordinating with the core environment and adherence to related laws and processes – there is a huge impact of the non-market environment as well. The success of any business establishing its roots in a new geography also largely depends on several non-direct aspects like government (state and local governing bodies), the local community and civil society organizations. Any new company setting up its unit in a new state needs to be careful and sensitive towards the subtle dynamics of the non-market environment too. Since these aspects are not very prominent, they are often missed out in the early phase of the project.
Most companies miss taking the non-market environment into consideration when devising their business strategies. More so, they have limited understanding of these highly dynamic and location-specific aspects. As a result, whenever problems from the non-market players arise, businesses invariably follow a reactive approach.
This is where OSS’ expertise comes into picture. Our strong network and diverse experience has given us a comprehensive understanding of these finer nuances that are not directly linked to the core business. We can help you foresee such situations and help devise a plan that will be robust and can save a lot of hassles due to any unrest rising in the future.